Atma Jyoti Sanatan Foundation is Sec 8 company form limited by guarantee, having register office at nagpur, it having Tax exemption for donation under 12 AB and 80GG Certifcate .
Atma Jyoti is formed for awareness of sanatan dharm in the human being. As you are aware sanatan dharm is oldest and most advance and dyanmic divilisation ever has exist in this earth. The Sanatan dharm was given in the form of vedas by lord Bharma to this world. Most ancient and scientific literature ever written in existence of this word. The Rishis and sadhu were the master and researcher who work on each an every element of this universe. We are being taken away from the roots of our ancestors due to invador who ruled us from last 1000 year. We at atma jyoti are making efforts to connect the current and future generation with root of existence of universe. Sanatan is way of living life with nature as entire family.
The purpose of this site to give the platform for collection of donation for difference causes, by reaching to mass and inspiring them to make difference by donating
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Temple is a place where Hindu worship our god & goddess. The temple is body and statue is soul of deity.